Your DNA Blueprint for optimal weight, happy hormones, and clear energy.

tailored solutions


You’re doing everything.

You’ve researched, you’ve invested, you’ve stuck to the plan.

You are not the problem.

The problem is– you don't have the right plan.

You already know...

You're doing WAY more than average when it comes to wellness. 

You buy the best supplements, eat the best foods-- at least most of the time.

You show up for yourself.

You live your life with intention.

You spend SO. Much. Time. learning about all the new trends and topics.

In fact... it feels like you know MORE than your doctors most of the time.

So why does it feel like things just aren't working so well?

Surely the answer isn't just to work out harder or restrict foods even more...

It’s like having a biological blueprint… a roadmap, some say.

We've been told it's like having a User's Manual for your body.

When you see your Body by Design® blueprint, SO MUCH makes sense that you’ll wonder why everyone isn’t working this way.

Why would you want to do wellness without directions?

Our clients LOVE getting better results with LESS effort-- thanks to their detailed DNA guide.

We empower women (and men and children) by providing clear, tailored solutions to metabolic health, hormones, gut health, food sensitivities, autoimmunity, and other complexities...

All with one little swab of your cheek.
Your results are good for life.

You're going to FLIP when you see how good this gets.

"I have my life back. Chronic fatigue is gone. Pain is gone. My body was mimicking Autoimmune Diseases because (it was) so out of whack. When you go from feeling like sleeping all day, exhausted, random energy, clear headedness do you not say it's a miracle! It's life-changing emotionally."

- Christina L.

"I have my life back. Chronic fatigue is gone"

“This WORKS. I can tell the more closely I follow my plan, I feel incredible– overall better and stronger. Since my reading my face and body inflammation have really gone down, and I’ve lost about 5 pounds easily, without working out. I feel like it’s been life changing in many ways. Some things I need to work on consistency, but even the initial changes are already making a noticeable difference.”

- maria

"I feel incredible– overall better and stronger."

"I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and for being the first person to actually listen to me. I can't brag enough about you. I tell everyone how you have changed my life, and I realized that I never told YOU. I am forever grateful for your care, and how you walked through every step with me of my panel. I'm so glad I found you"

- Claire

"I feel free from my stomach for the first time in 15 years."

“This has made a huge impact on my approach to health and wellness. I have tried many other approaches in the past and have felt unsuccessful. For the first time in my life, I feel that I fully understand how my body works and what it really needs to feel good. I am making more conscious choices with my eating habits. I take more time to look at the ingredients in foods. It has inspired me to really take control of my health and has made what makes me feel good/what does not more clear. I have more energy throughout the day and no longer feel that end-of-the-work-day crash. I feel more confident when choosing foods to eat...

- Meghan

"For the first time in my life, I feel that I fully understand how my body works and what it really needs to feel good."

“I’ve struggled for years with my weight, having migraines, and skin allergies. After spending a ton of money on supplements and doctor visits, I decided to take my health into my own hands. With the help of Lindsey I have been able to truly find out about my body. I have learned about the intolerances I have. I now am able to control my outbreaks with my diet. It has been truly amazing and life changing. I thank Lindsey for the help and dedication to helping me that she has shown. After Epigenetics Testing, I’ve finally found weight loss, improved sleep, overall sense of well being and feeling more alive!"

-Amanda S.

"With the help of Lindsey I have been able to truly find out about my body."

“I never thought that in such a short period of time I would feel such a difference. Doing this testing has changed my life. The time that’s taken to explain it all, the passion and the way (the coach) breaks it all down, it’s amazing. The way she walks you through it all never makes you feel overwhelmed. In just a few weeks, I’m feeling calmer, more relaxed, much better sleep, much much stronger in my workouts again. It’s a must do - it will change your life!”

-Verena H.

"Doing this testing has changed my life."

“It’s such an incredible investment— ESPECIALLY if you have any health struggles that you can’t seem to figure out. I’ve had similar problems for most of my adult life that I’ve never had a doctor figure out. I also struggled with sinus stuff and that is now non-existent most of the time! I’ve been able to use supplements and other knowledge I have now to minimize it or make it go away. Mentally I also feel like I can think better; something I struggled with a lot! I feel less worried about going places and not feeling well—which is big for me! I have more confidence that I know what works best for me food wise so it’s easier to eat out whereas before that was stressful for me because it felt like everything irritated me in some way!"

""I have had NO migraines since starting my DNA plan! "

-Nicole N.

"You can't even imagine how much this can change your life. I've suffered from Autoimmune Diseases, Migraines, and Food Sensitivities for years– ONE MONTH into Body by Design changed my entire life. My body is recovering from a lifetime of not being understood, only being medicated. I've been able to get off my anxiety medication, reduce my depression medication, and I've even gone down a jeans size during the holidays WITHOUT changing anything about my life. Body by Design + Epigenetics is truly changing my life for the better."

" If you need to reset your life, look no further."

- Andrea

"I can eat a lot more food than I thought, and now I don’t have to do keto for the rest of my life! A lot of things make sense right now about how I’ve been feeling, especially after eating certain things. If I start making small changes every day, I can actually do this! This is a really great investment, totally worth it!!”

"I feel like a different person!"

- Lupita G

I’m experiencing improved sleep for sure, which I didn’t even think I needed much help on, but the supplements definitely help. I have more focus and overall well being by removing more toxin containing foods and adding in what my body needs. I have more energy and don’t feel like I need as much coffee! Thank you! This has been such a source of light!”

"This test holds so many keys to unlocking health, happiness and vitality"

- Lauryn H

You need a strategy
as smart as you

There's a reason it seems like things aren't adding up.

Like your efforts are FAR more than your results.

I get it, because I’ve been there too…

Spending thousands upon thousands of dollars for specialists, protocols, courses.

Every functional test. Every diet on the planet.

Countless hours on the internet, hoping for answers, only to find more confusion.

Your body isn't broken, and you're not going crazy...

And NO. It's not just "normal" to feel like crap.

I got sick of settling and knew there had to be better solutions...

There had to be a better way to wellness.

And then this happened...

After spending a fortune and following all the dead ends for so long, almost giving up hope altogether... I finally found the solutions I sought with genomics testing.

Even back to my childhood.

Immediately I had the missing link to my raging gut problems, metabolic issues, fatigue, hormonal imbalances that I’d been struggling with since before puberty. I knew I couldn’t keep this to myself. I started to share this technology with everyone I know!

You see, your DNA is complex but clear– it’ll show you exactly how your body’s chemistry needs support in order to optimize cellular function. 

Some of us are more sensitive to certain things. Some of us need specific types of nutrients. Some of us are doing WAY too many things that don’t even move the needle.

It's almost too good to be true...

Could it have been that simple all along?


Most practitioners in the women's wellness space are trying hard to sell you a course or automated program, a magic pill, a cleanse, or a test to tell you "what's wrong" with you...

Body by Design® is quite the opposite.

We actually show you what's working and what's going to work better-- by understanding your deep cellular chemistry that's driven by your DNA.

You and I already know--

No diet works for everyone, for very long.

No workout is perfect for us all.

There is no magic hormone fix that's universal.

Even internet experts don't know exactly what works for YOU.

We are all as complex and individual on the inside as we are on the outside... so isn't it about time we started strategizing like it? You deserve a plan that's build for YOU.

Inside your


Optimize your metabolism. Heal your gut. Drop the diets that don't work and learn what's most efficient for YOU! Learn which foods work best, potential food sensitivities and triggers, ideal macro ratios, fats digestion and preference, appetite and satiety, sugar craving/behavioral insights, and more. This panel includes the following insights:

  • Macro Preferences
  • Response to Saturated Fats, PUFAs, MUFAs
  • Dairy Sensitivity
  • Gluten Allergy
  • Grain Sensitivity
  • Histamine Sensitivity
  • Lipid Handling
  • Sodium Sensitivity
  • Caffeine Tolerance

nutrition / Nutrigenomics

sleep & Stress

Ready to sleep like a baby? Or just wish you could chill out? Identify areas of support opportunity with brain chemistry propensities and your most effective interventions.

  • Sleep Onset & Circadian Rhythm
  • Sleep Disruption
  • Restless Leg
  • Cortisol
  • Mood Regulation
  • Caffeine & Melatonin Metabolism

detox pathways

This category alone can save you a small fortune if you're having complex signs of distress. Sometimes success is beyond controlling input and more optimizing detox and output. Identify details of multiple phases that impact hormonal balance, toxic load handling, cellular aging and repair, and much more.

  • Phase 1 Detox
  • Methylation
  • Acetylation
  • Glutathione System
  • Immune Function
  • Inflammatory Response
Address micronutrient needs, vitamin conversion, gut health and absorption. Ditch the multivitamins and learn how you can save money by streamlining only what you need most.

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B1
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron
  • Selenium

micronutrients / supplementation

Beyond the blood / urine labs that change ALL the time... your genetic Hormones insights can show you the fastest path to optimization. Additional labs can be helpful but most often aren't necessary to get even better, longer-lasting results.

  • Thyroid
  • Progesterone
  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone


Work SMARTER, not harder! Optimize your activity plan and overcome metabolic hurdles with insights on preferences and inherent responses to various approaches to wellness.

  • Glucose Handling & Insulin Resistance
  • Exercise Tolerance
  • Workout Recovery 
  • Soft Tissue Health
  • Response to Exercise Types
  • Hunger Signaling
  • Snacking and Sweet Tooth Receptors

Body Composition

“I feel more empowered in the lifestyle decisions I’m making because they’re based on personal data from the test. I’m experiencing more energy from being less restrictive with my sources of protein. I have less anxiety around food, and I am staying more open-minded to new things."

- Whitney H.

"It feels good to gain a deeper understanding of how to support my body holistically.”

she's down-to-earth, so compassionate and easy to talk to, and she just GETS IT. She knows her stuff and is so accessible and willing to share her knowledge to empower YOU as her client. She's truly one of a kind

- Liz

"I couldn't ask for a better partner in Lindsey -"

 I love all the tips, hacks, and examples you gave us on how to move our lymphatic system. My morning routine sets me up for a day with more energy and focus. The videos were awesome!”

- Talia

"The information you have in this program is SO complete!'

"I went from constantly dieting and going to the gym every single day to eating more relaxed and having rest days and I've gotten the BEST results in years! My muscle mass has gone up and all my inflammation is gone. My body is literally tightening up and it's the easiest approach I've ever had."

-Wendy M

"I've gotten the BEST results in years"

What I love is that I feel more confident and at peace that I’m eating for my genes, for healing. The guesswork is gone. I can notice a positive difference in my digestion. I feel more confident that I will resolve my health issues. I have already seen amazing improvement in my blood tests.


"The guess work is gone"

I love the clear suggestions that I can implement to get my body going. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with all of the information, I feel empowered to make small changes at first, try a few different things, and add on as I feel ready. I don't dread mornings as much as I used to and I appreciate the shift in both my body and my attitude! 


"I don't dread mornings as much as I used to"

And reduce my depression medication. I've even gone down a jeans size during the holidays WITHOUT changing anything about my life. Epigenetics is truly changing my life for the better. If you need to reset your life, look no further.


"I've been able to get off my anxiety medication"

I am pretty good at listening to my body so I was unsure if it was worth it, but I now truly believe every person should do this. It will change your perspective in ways you can’t believe. I have more energy, less inflammation, and brain fog, digestive issues and hormonal acne have eased.


"My skin has totally cleared up"

Test Once, Optimize Forever.
Break Up with Chasing Trends & Doomscrolling.

Your genomic profile is something you will return to again and again, sort of like a body-home-base.

When your hormones change, when your lifestyle changes, when you’re ready to go next level… you can return to your Body by Design® blueprint and adjust to your current goals.

This isn’t just another “thing” to add to the list of “things” you’ve tried… this is literally learning how to support your body’s own chemistry from the very foundations.

There’s no other testing on the market that provides such a comprehensive approach. There are no retesting schemes… no cookie-cutter protocols to sell you.

You’ll simply learn what works best for you, what doesn’t work, and what doesn’t matter. Profound!


what’s included

Premium Private Testing Experience:

  • Secure Lab Processing (CLIA & CAP Certified)
  • Confidential Data Guarantee-- we don't store or sell your data!
  • Easy cheek-swab DNA collection kit for quick, convenient testing can be completed any time, any age, any health condition without impacting your results
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Largest panel available anywhere with over 500 genes over 50 categories!
  • Expert Interpretation and Results: personalized report overview and guidance via video recording by a certified Designer Genes® Coach
  • Personalized Action Plan: based on YOUR chemistry, lifestyle, priorities
  • Follow up Support and Strategy Sessions available by request
Comprehensive Genomics Analysis:

  • Gut Health
  • Hormones (Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone)
  • Metabolic Health & Insulin Resistance
  • Food Sensitivities (Gluten/Grains, Dairy, Histamines)
  • Macros / Fats Response
  • Micronutrients & Supplementation
  • Longevity & Detox Pathways (Phase 1, Methylation, Heart Health)
  • Toxin Sensitivities (Mold, Metals, Lyme)
  • Sleep Optimization
  • Stress Response (Cortisol, Mood Regulation)
  • Inflammatory Response & Oxidative Stress
  • Exercise Response (Intensity, Recovery, Strength, Endurance, Sprint)

One-time, value-packed test with just a simple swab of your cheek to provide optimization strategy for a lifetime

discover your secret strategy


DNA testing provides a vast set of insights across many areas of health: from gut health and food responses to hormones, mood, sleep, and exercise response.

Our team is skilled at supporting individuals with the most complex concerns-- because one of the joys of being a woman is that there's always something changing, and yet it seems like an actual act of Congress to get answers and support. 

We work with (mainly) women with goals ranging from fat loss to autoimmune conditions to just simply wanting to feel GOOD again, and we make it as simple as possible by dialing in your chemistry from the cellular level. It's something we believe *every* body should do.

The only kind of news we deliver is why things aren't working for you... and where to focus instead!

Genomics testing isn't looking for rare disease. That's honestly not really how DNA works. We are looking to identify areas in your unique chemistry that need support for cellular optimization. So whether it's a micronutrient you need more or less of, a nutrition strategy that's YOURS alone, or a hormonal pathway that will change your life... you'll walk away feeling more empowered than ever before.

We cannot… we work exclusively with our proprietary testing and software because they’ve been designed with YOU in mind, to provide far superior value than anything else on the market. We are confident that you’ll be blown away by the difference with Body by Design® coaching.

Absolutely! This testing is phenomenal for humans of all ages and with any type of health concern or goal… we just especially love supporting women in wellness because that’s who we are! 

CLICK HERE for testing options for men & kiddos

You can test successfully ANY time! Unlike other testing that may rely on ever-fluctuation chemistries like blood, urine, stool, or hair -- DNA data collection isn't impacted by age, current health, medications, hormonal cycles, etc.  Your results won't change, so the sooner the better! Pretty cool, right?

We offer optional continued coaching if you want support 1:1, as well as tailored courses and programming, depending on your goals.